Support your students’ evaluation of majors and help them identify career options This report provides students with step-by-step advice on how to evaluate academic majors that fit their interests and preferences, which provides extra support for college students beginning to prepare themselves for success in the world of work. The Strong Profile, College Edition, takes the wealth of career interest data provided in the Strong Profile Report one step further. An additional personalized report helps students explore the path that is right for them by identifying specific college courses, jobs or internships, and extracurricular activities that will allow them to express their unique interests and personal style. Strong Profile Report, College Edition Sample WHAT THE REPORT CONTAINS: A copy of the Strong Profile Report Plus 4 pages of highly personalized information to help your student identify college courses, jobs or internships, and extracurricular activities WHEN TO USE: Career guidance in an educational environment Career development and action planning HOW TO ACCESS: This report is available to qualified Canadian MBTI practitioners through the online assessment platform. Report Pricing