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Leveraging Team Dynamics Insights & Tools for HR Leaders

Presented by Justin Deonarine

Leveraging Team Dynamics: Insights for HR Leaders

Communication, change, and conflict: three key competencies that impact a team’s dynamics. Helping leaders and employees understand their unique approach to these challenges can unlock the full potential of their team.

Using a sample of over 100,000 individuals, I/O Psychologist, Justin Deonarine will explore which styles may be seen more (or less) frequently in the general population. These insights will help HR and L&D professionals better anticipate their team’s needs.

Additional Insights Include:

  • Exploring Diverse Styles: Learn how individuals use different styles to communicate, adapt to change, and manage conflict within their teams.
  • Optimizing Team Potential: Gain strategies to maximize team performance by leveraging team insights.
  • Practical Application: Discover how to apply these concepts across multiple teams or enterprise-wide.

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Presented by:
Justin M. Deonarine is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist with Psychometrics Canada. He specializes in the application of data-driven decision-making to areas such as selection, leadership and corporate culture. He has worked with organizations around the world, from local non-profits to multinational corporations. Justin enjoys sharing his experience and knowledge with others, having published articles about leadership, corporate culture, diversity, innovation and entrepreneurship for a variety of business and HR resources.