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    Feb 24, 2021    |   Psychometrics Canada

COVID-19’s Toll on Executives

How have executives been affected by the pandemic?

2 minute read

Written by: Psychometrics Canada

Psychometrics Canada’s Organizational Psychologists compared Work Personality Index® responses during the pandemic to pre-pandemic responses the differences were significant. The infographic below expresses the following findings.

  • The data suggests that Executives today score the lowest in stress tolerance. months of pivoting strategy, dealing with changing business rules and making difficult people decisions has taken its toll on executives.
  • Executives, compared to other levels of the organization, are scoring the lowest on self-control during the pandemic. As a result, they may be more open with their emotions – while everyone else is working to conceal them.

COVID-19 Effects on Executives

COVID-19 effects on executives

Filed under: Change Management