Our talent assessments will help identify top candidates and develop people's potential.
Psychometrics Canada offers an unmatched collection of industry recognized employee development assessments and selection tests, we can provide the right tools to address a range of organizational challenges such as team work, communication, conflict, leadership development, stress, and succession planning.
Evaluate candidates for fit, leadership, customer service/sales potential, and safety. Organizations use our pre-employment tests for talent insight to address a variety of challenges, from entry-level performance and retention to selecting their next CEO.
Help individuals, teams and leaders achieve their greatest potential by having a deeper sense of self-awareness and understanding of others in the workplace.
We work with more than 4,000 organizations, including 84 of the top 100 companies in Canada.
Earls stays competitive by using the TKI® tool in its leadership development program.
IBM uses the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® to create a shared language that transcends national boundaries.
Reducing turnover with an efficient pre-employment assessment system.