Using Personality Type to Guide Career Exploration 1 minute read Written by Psychometrics Canada In a recent blog post we highlighted our research on what it takes to be successful working from home. For some people, events of the past few years have either forced a job change or inspired them to start considering a new path. While the work environment may look different than it did a few years ago, the process of career exploration, applying for jobs, and going through interviews is not that different. If you are assisting clients in career exploration, or thinking about a new direction yourself, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI®) can highlight some preferred approaches and strategies for people with preferences for Sensing and Intuition. Ways to help Sensing and Intuitive Types with career Exploration For clients with a preference for Sensing: For clients with a preference for Intuition: When generating options, include realistic and practical work choices that are linked to their experiences. When generating options, include many options from a broad range of work areas. Review and find ideas from existing lists of work options rather than using a brainstorming approach. Use brainstorming, imagining, and visioning possibilities; lists of options may be starting points but can seem limiting. Focus on realities when generating options; they may need to broaden their options and imagine unfamiliar options. Focus on the future when generating options; they may need to narrow their options and be more realistic in their approach. When doing research, help them find relevant facts and details about the work. When doing research, help them find general information about how the work links to other opportunities. Find more tips and suggestions like the ones above in Donna Dunning’s book; Type and Career Development