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    Aug 12, 2021    |   Psychometrics Canada

A Different View on Diversity and Inclusion

1 minute read

Written by Justin Deonarine, I/O Psychologist

Diverse workplace excel in workplace

Academic and industry research around diversity and inclusion reveals a very consistent story: Diverse workplaces outperform homogenous workplaces. This includes on factors such as financial results, employee retention/satisfaction and team performance.


Why is this? Diverse teams benefit from a variety of perspectives. While homogeneous groups tend to be more confident in their decisions and make decisions quickly, diverse groups tend to make better decisions due to the extra layer of debate that comes with considering different points of view.


diverse team excel in workpalce Most companies focus on visible diversity factors, such as gender, age and ethnicity. However, they may be overlooking the invisible factors, or may be capturing them unintentionally. One such factor is individual differences in personality or work style.


Learn more about how you can support your diversity and inclusion efforts in this article that I wrote for the Entrepreneurs’ Organization on


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Filed under: Diversity