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    Aug 01, 2023    |   Camille Labrie

Managing Remote Employees

Managing Remote Employees

3-minute read

Written by Psychometrics Canada

Working in a hybrid or fully remote environment has become the new norm, bringing unique challenges for leaders and managers. In this era of widespread remote work, it is essential to adapt your approach to better support your team and foster their success. 


Defining boundaries and work-life balance 

In a remote work environment, the boundaries between work and personal life can blur. Without the physical separation of an office, team members may struggle to disconnect. As a leader or manager, it is crucial to help your team establish clear boundaries. Encourage them to create dedicated workspaces, set specific working hours, and take breaks to recharge. By promoting work-life balance, you can prevent burnout and foster a healthier work environment. 

Redefining success metrics 

Traditionally, time spent in the office was often seen as a measure of productivity. However, this approach is flawed in a remote work setting. Instead, focus on defining goals and outcomes as metrics for success. Each team member may require different levels of support to achieve these goals, so be prepared to provide the necessary resources and guidance. Shifting the focus from hours worked to deliverables achieved will foster a results-driven culture within your remote team. 

Effective communication and connection 

Maintaining open lines of communication and fostering connection among team members is vital when working remotely. Without the ability to have impromptu face-to-face interactions, leaders and managers must find alternative ways to stay connected. Encourage regular team meetings, utilize collaborative tools for real-time communication, and establish clear channels for feedback and support. Building trust and effective communication will be key in ensuring your remote team stays connected, motivated, and engaged. 

Remote Work and Burnout 

Leading remote teams presents unique challenges that require a proactive approach. Remote work can feel isolating, and leaders/managers need to be empathetic and supportive. They should be mindful of their team’s well-being and encourage open dialogue. Recognize the signs of burnout and provide resources for stress management and self-care. It is important to strike a balance between supporting your team and avoiding micromanagement. By showing empathy and being available, you can help your team thrive in a remote work environment. 

Does personality have an impact on remote work? 

Just like in any work environment, personality traits impact job success and job satisfaction. For example: some individuals will miss opportunities to connect and share ideas with others, while others may appreciate the independence and ability to make more decisions on their own. Insight into how personality traits influence an individual working remotely can be found in the Work Personality Index. As a manager you can reference the Finding Success When Working Remotely section to quickly see the positives of their personal style as well as opportunities to coach potential derailers. 

Filed under: Leadership Development

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