A Warm Welcome to our New Practitioners! It’s that wonderful time again! This week’s MBTI® Junction post is dedicated to our newest group of type practitioners that we certified last week in Toronto, Ontario! We had a fantastic week of learning, and I am thrilled to welcome this dynamic group into the type community. Participants included people not only in various sectors and industries (retail, engineering, psychotherapy, consulting, healthcare and more!), but these individuals traveled from far and wide to attend – including Germany and India! Talk about power in Diversity! I look forward to working with them in the days, weeks, months and years to come as they go on to do incredible things with the instrument. I am continuously reminded of the incredible versatility of the tool we represent, and am inspired by each new group’s energy as they enter the world of using the MBTI to make teams, organizations, leaders, and people better. Please join me in welcoming yet another cohort of type practitioners, and to my Toronto group, I hope to see you all again soon! яндекс