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    Feb 19, 2016    |   Aidan Millar

Preferred Work Environments: E-I & J-P

Our type preferences can have a significant effect on how we tend to go about our work, and the kind of environment that is particularly favourable for us. This blog post is dedicated to understanding the impact and the attitudes or orientations (first and last letter of our type) can have on our preferred work style. As a practitioner, I always encourage teams to consider whether all perspectives are being equally considered in our current environment, and what we might be able to improve upon.

speech-bubbles-303206_1280 (2) Extraversion-Introversion

Individuals with a preference for Extraversion like active work environments with lots of variety. Extraverts develop their ideas through discussion, and will float their opinion in order to begin a debate that will help them clarify their thoughts. For this reason, Extraverted preferences like having people around to discuss ideas with, and will quickly lose energy when left alone for too long. Meanwhile, Introverts prefer quieter work environments since it allows them to concentrate and work without interruptions. Unlike Extraverts, Introverts develop their ideas through contemplation, rather than discussion. Therefore, when Introverts float their opinions, they have already thought them through fully. As a result, they are more committed to their spoken opinions than Extraverts, and are less likely to change their reasoning as frequently.

Tips for Teams: Create opportunities for individuals to choose when to introvert and extravert. For example, designate quiet spaces for required contemplation, or alternatively, establish clearly marked “collaboration areas” for stand up meetings and open brainstorming. Remember to respect peoples’ open AND closed doors.

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People with a preference for Judging work best in settings where they can plan out their day, and stick to their plan. Judgers like finishing things off, and find satisfaction in making decisions, and completing projects. Judgers prefer structure, and tend to schedule their time and activities and maintain to-do lists. Alternatively, people with a preference for Perceiving enjoy work settings that provide flexibility and change. Perceivers like exploring options, and therefore, tend to put off making decisions until the last minute, so as not to miss any incoming data. Unlike Judgers who tend to complete tasks before deadlines, Perceivers complete them at the deadline. Perceivers tend to be curious and adaptable individuals, and therefore, react particularly well to change.

Tips for Teams: When handling a project or decision, discuss which elements require immediate action and what warrants more exploration. Gain consensus when necessary, agreeing when – and how – deadlines will be met and new information will be incorporated. Popular practices have included informal check ins or pipeline meetings – these ensure new information is introduced in a timely enough manner for everyone’s comfort, while giving enough independence between checkpoints for Js and Ps to embrace their respective approaches.



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