An In-Depth Look: INTJ This week, we are taking a deeper look into the “Independent Thinkers”: INTJ Characteristics of INTJ INTJ’s make up a small percentage of the population, and are usually quite happy to operate independently. It is when they have time for reflection that they can engage in their preferred activities of considering possibilities for the future and translating these into reality through objective decision making. INTJ’s adopt a global perspective and seek to tie information they receive to patterns and themes that they have identified. They value knowledge and learning very highly, and set high expectations for both themselves and others. INTJ’s approach most things with a critical eye, seeking out how to make things better, regardless of how effective something is currently. To them, everything can be improved. Important INTJ Contributions Given their global perspective and wide range of considerations and insights, INTJ’s enjoying conceptualizing and building systems to achieve their goals. It is natural for them to organize ideas into action, and they work towards an internal vision of the future that is crystal clear for them. Unfortunately, they may not always communicate their ideas frequently or in-depth enough to allow others to see things the same way. INTJ’s enjoy complex challenges and seek out work that requires them to synthesize information and devise strategies. They dislike confusion and inefficiency and can be tough-minded – both to themselves and with others. As independent thinkers, they generally provide others with significant autonomy and independence as well. Some Blind Spots INTJ’s can get overwhelmed by details, especially when they do not have a broad pattern of theme in which to organize the information. Their desire to improve things and people can result in them coming across as overly critical and unsupportive; but this is not naturally apparent to INTJ’s and they can be surprised to find out that they have been coming across as unyielding. Finally, their high level of independence can get in the way of getting others on board and gathering suggestions and feedback from others.