Using the Career Interest Profiler and Career Values Scale to retain employees.
Flextronics uses the MBTI® tool for inspirational outplacement counselling.
MBTI® tool and Career Interest Profiler helps with ATB's "Finding Your Way" career program.
MBTI® and Strong assessments help Aboriginal student success at the University of Saskatchewan.
Fleming College's Targeted Initiative for Older Workers program helps Baby Boomers find careers.
(VIBE) High School Career Program uses the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment.
Restaurant and Catering Australia uses the Work Personality Index® to improve its performance and employee retention.
Using the Strong Interest Inventory® to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
University works with industry reps to develop a unique program to get HR students CPHR ready.
Career Management Program at SaskPower uses the Strong Interest Inventory to help employees find new employment opportunities.