SHOW CLIENTS HOW THEIR FACET RESULTS AFFECT THEIR EXPRESSION OF TYPE PREFERENCES This report provides an individual with a comprehensive account of step ii results, helping them understand how the step ii facets affect how they express their type. The MBTI Step II Interpretive Report is a highly personalized report combining narrative and graphics to help clients understand their Step I and Step II results. This 17-page report then applies those results to four aspects of professional development: communication, decision-making, change management and conflict management. This report is particularly helpful for use with respondents who are struggling to determine their best-fit type. MBTI® STEP II INTERPRETIVE REPORT Sample WHAT THE REPORT CONTAINS: Respondent’s four-letter Step I type Descriptions of the 20 Step II facets that facilitate the respondent feedback sessions Graphical representations of the respondent’s results against the 20 facets Application of the 20 facets in four development areas: communication, change management, decision-making, and conflict management An interpreter’s summary Average scores of those with the same type WHEN TO USE: Team development Leadership development Communication Conflict management Decision-making Change Coaching HOW TO ACCESS: This report is available to qualified Canadian MBTI practitioners through the online assessment platform. Report Pricing